Lisa Lickel – Being Thankful

Lisa Lickel B (3) 44.3 KBThis time of year, even more than New Year’s, Americans tend to reflect on the past and count our blessings. It’s easier to be Thankful with a day off work for many; often spending time with family, usually with more food than we’re used to eating. It’s nice. I have a thankful list too, that includes family events such as the graduation of my oldest son from seminary and his recent ordination, the announcement from both my married sons that they’re expecting children next year (yay!), a wonderful summer trip, and a career-rolling number of book releases. Amazing.

One thing I’m truly thankful for is meeting and working with the amazing Tamera! She’s let me explore my historical side. I hadn’t written history much, because I am a historian by education and hobby and I know how difficult it can be verifying fact, parsing fiction and story, and making sure the past stays relevant. One thing I have learned is that we humans are creatures of comfort and habit, despite the alarming evidence of what happened to the Pilgrims you read about on Tamera’s post ( Yet no matter the risks we take we still end up with the same challenges: Who will we marry? Or do we? What happens when a loved one dies? How will I survive if I move? Will I fit in and adapt? Whose orders do I follow? Tamera’s addressed these issues in her stories and we are writing a book together that doesn’t stray far from the formula. I’ve taken up the gauntlet myself, as well, with a couple of new books for your reading pleasure.

Brave New Century flatebook_BNC copy (2)Brave New Century is an anthology of four novellas about young women finding and facing new identities, new possibilities, new challenges at the turn of the century. With my friends Paula Mowery, Kathy Rouser, and Teena Stewart, we’ve set out to give you a taste of 1900 across America. I’ll give away a copy of this book, any electronic version or print, with Tamera’s drawing. Meanwhile, find out more here:

GreenLeaf Cover 2 (2)First Children of Farmington, a series of six illustrated stories for young readers, is also a departure from my novels. I wrote them ten years ago and finally reached a place of comfort in allowing them out into the public. With gifted and talented children’s author Brenda Hendricks, I’ve shifted from picture book format to chapter book. In the mid-1850s, pioneer and native children faced the same types of struggles and triumphs as children today: how do I make friends with someone of a different culture? How do I survive in this strange new land? Who’s allowed to go to school with me? How can I love a new papa? From December 1-16, join with me and other authors in a special holiday promotion. Our e-books will be 99cents, including my Potawatomi Boy, and you can enter a special drawing for other prizes at this link:

Lisa Lickel

Whispers, Wishes, Wonder

Healing Grace: a novel

Brave New Century –coming November, 2013 from Prism Book Group

Four young women learn about life and love in the early 20th century

The Last Detail –coming January, 2014 from Prism Book Group

All faith-based marriages are perfect, right?

Comment for a chance to win Brave New World by Lisa Lickel or A Christmas Promise by Tamera Lynn Kraft.

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About Tamera Lynn Kraft

Tamera Lynn Kraft has always loved adventures and writes Christian historical fiction set in America because there are so many adventures in American history. She is married to the love of her life, has two grown children, and lives in Akron, Ohio. Soldier’s Heart and A Christmas Promise are two of her historical novellas that have been published. She has received 2nd place in the NOCW contest, 3rd place TARA writer’s contest, and is a finalist in the Frasier Writing Contest.

8 thoughts on “Lisa Lickel – Being Thankful

  1. It was so nice learning of your writing Lisa. Also congratulations on future grand children and your son’s graduation.
    I really like the books for children and Brave New Century. There is no such thing as a perfect marriage it takes work and forgiveness weather faith based or not if ( that was a question to answer)but sharing faith is a key factor to making it work.

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